Thursday, July 26, 2012

11:11 Awakening Code - Message To The World


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Sista Starbird busking in Bellingham today.

I will be busking from 1pm till 2 or so in front of The Public market @ 1530 Cornwall Ave. Suite 101, Bellingham, WA. Stop by have a listen, help a Sista out. I am currently homeless and in need of some money to go to Ashland and pick up things from storage and for a deposit on an apt. when I find one. I will need a home/room in September for around $500 a month. I am on disability and have guaranteed income and am clean and fairly quiet.

  •  I am looking for any odd jobs in town. Also new friends! I am a very good gardener, seamstress, house cleaner and an excellent experienced baby sitter... or whatever else I could do? I am a tree huggin hippie and I hope we can meet some day. If you hear of anything I could do please let me know. I wish you a peaceful love filled day Namaste' oh and I play music

    Born from a long line of Sioux medicine women, of the bird clan. Mixed with Viking blood. To form this being. I am Sister Starbird of the Rainbow Nation. I am an artist. I am a vehicle of Divinity/Humanity. I do not write songs, they come through me.
    Page: 334 like this




Posted via email from Transmissions from Sista Starbird

Friday, July 20, 2012

BE THERE when the United States Senate takes up the issue of OVERTURNING CITIZENS UNITED.

And, please sign up if you can BE THERE when the United States Senate takes up the issue of OVERTURNING CITIZENS UNITED.

Help us overflow the room!

Annabel Park, Will Rice, and Larry Lessig will be there.  Lessig will be testifying during the hearing, along with another Coffee Party favorite Buddy Roemer!  CLICK HERE if you can be in Washington DC on Tuesday July 24 at 2:30 PM for the Senate Judiciary Committee Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Human Rights hearing:

“Taking Back Our Democracy: Responding to Citizens United and the Rise of Super PACs”

DATE: July 24, 2012
TIME:   2:30 PM
ROOM: Dirksen 226

Dirksen Senate Building is at Constitution Avenue & 1st Street, NE Washington, DC 20002 

CLICK HERE to RSVP so we can organize together.

Follow @EricByler

Follow @CoffeePartyUSA

Posted via email from Transmissions from Sista Starbird

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Andrea Starbird

Hi I am Sister Starbird of the Rainbow Nation, I am an artist, singer/songwriter, busker, poet, free spirit, seamstress, dancin fool. I would also really like to pursue acting, no-one can act better than an adult child of an alcoholic! ha ha! Following my path! I am into seeking the higher realms of the spirit, I am all about freedom and I am fighting for my own!

Link to this profile:
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Posted via email from Transmissions from Sista Starbird

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

EPA: Don't Sacrifice Navajo Water for Uranium Mining

Don't Sacrifice Navajo Water for Uranium Mining


I just signed the following petition addressed to: EPA.

I write to urge US EPA Region 6 to revoke the aquifer exemption that the agency granted to Hydro Resources, Inc. in1989 for mining uranium in Church Rock, New Mexico.

EPA must protect underground sources of drinking water. Hydro Resources Inc. cannot be allowed to proceed with its Church Rock mining project as it will result in the contamination of groundwater that the Navajo Nation has identified as an important future source of drinking water. EPA has both the legal authority and moral obligation to revoke the aquifer exemption.

Twenty-two years ago, the EPA based its decision to issue the aquifer exemption on misleading and inaccurate data provided by Hydro Resources, and the EPA asked no questions. Now, two decades later, the EPA has an opportunity to do the right thing.

Decades after the last mining company abandoned the region, residents of northwestern New Mexico still live with the unresolved legacy of radioactive contamination and waste from Cold War-era uranium mining. They grapple with toxic groundwater, radioactive air and all the terrible health impacts that are linked to uranium. Navajos, and other local tribes, suffer from unforeseen consequences to their traditional ways of living due to effects from past mining.

These communities should not have to bear any further cultural, environmental or public health burdens from ill-conceived uranium mining operations.

There is significant evidence showing that no company has been able to clean up groundwater to pre-mining condition after using the “in situ” process. That evidence also shows that water contaminated by this technique moves freely outside of the exempted portions of aquifers, ruining clean water forever.

I urge you to exercise your authority to revoke Hydro Resources’ aquifer exemption immediately. These communities have suffered enough. You can stop it now.



[Your name]

Posted via email from Transmissions from Sista Starbird

Friday, July 6, 2012

The Critical Mass of Enlightenment by John Hogue

Only when there are many people who are pools of peace, silence, understanding, will war disappear. Osho Check out this website I found at

Posted via email from Transmissions from Sista Starbird

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Goddess Power


In honor of women with curves.
Goddess Power is a self love network for sizes other that the tall gaunt thing. I was the highest paid model in the Northwest for 3 years.
It is about empowerment for those that a built for luxury not for speed.
I consider myself plush, I am comfy inside and out.
Most of all I am healthy this is how I am built naturally so for all you Goddess' out there, this is for you!

Posted via email from Transmissions from Sista Starbird

A question that sometimes drives me hazy:

A question that sometimes drives me hazy: am I or are the others crazy?
Albert Einstein

Posted via email from Transmissions from Sista Starbird

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