Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Biggest missing piece.

THE MOST SIGNIFICANT THING "Here is the most significant thing that we want to say to you. It is not important to us what you believe because what you believe is yours to believe. It IS important to us, what we know to be. We have discovered that by knowing what we know, our life is one of joy, and you've discovered that by knowing what you know, your life is one of misery. We just want to explain to you that there are choices." via youtube.com

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Spirit Science

Monday, September 24, 2012

Fear Processing Exercise


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This exercise is the one I use personally in my own ascension work, as well being what I consider to be a key exercise.  It is very effective and the most essential, and constant, step to take for a fast ascension journey.  It is by all purposes, the foundation of ascension as well as a key component in the manifestation of our dreams into this 3D world.

It also alleviates stress and anxiety.

To buy the MP3 version of the Fear Processing Exercise for $3.33 click here:

(a Dutch recording of this excercise can be downloaded here)

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Full text below for you to record:


Fear Processing Exercise, by Inelia Benz for ascension101.com

You can do this exercise at any time, whenever you feel fear.

For best results, it is best to do it in a quiet and private space and working through a list of fears you have written beforehand.

Sit or lie down comfortably with your back straight and close your eyes.

Breathe in deeply and slowly into your abdomen, then breathe out as fast as you can.
Repeat, breathe in slowly, then out as fast as you can.
And once more, breathe in slowly and slowly, then out fast.
Now continue breathing at your own pace.

Scan you physical body from head to toe, to find the energy of fear.  

Look for fear.  If you cannot find it, read one of your fear items in your list and scan your body again.

Once you find fear in your body, simply look at it.
Don’t analyze it, just look at it.
Allow it to be there.
Allow it to exist.
Allow it to grow and to be.

It could be a physical discomfort, such as a knot, a pain, a location of energy, or through a thought or memory, or it could be just the emotion of fear.

Just look at it.

Observe it.

Feel it.

Allow it to be here.

And say, “fear, you are welcome here.”

Welcome here.

Welcome fear and allow it to grow.

Let it get bigger and bigger.

Allow it to grow, and grow... as big as it can go

Let it be as big as it can possibly get.

Allow it to express itself to you.

But don’t analyze.

Simply allow whatever comes.

Whether words,



Follow it if it changes into another emotion,
or changes locations in your body.

Whatever it does, welcome the new expression.  “you are welcome here, thought... you are welcome here emotion, words, memories, you are welcome here fear.”

You are welcome here.

Watch it. Observe it.

Now, allow yourself to get closer and embrace fear in whatever expression it has chosen.

give it light and love, and allow it to exist.

Thank it for whatever job it had for you, for being with you for so long.

Now, release it into Oneness.  Allow it to go free back into Source.

Breathe deeply now.
As you breathe in, breathe in light and love.  And as you breathe out, allow that light and love to go to and fill the space where fear used to be.  

Now, simply breathe deeply and slowly.
Breathing in light and love, and as you breathe out, allow that light and love to expand throughout your body and out into your environment.

Now, scan your body from your toes to your head and see if there is any of that fear left.  If so, repeat the exercise straight away. If not, you can use your list to repeat the exercise, or end now by opening your eyes and having a good stretch.

Repeat this exercise every day until there is no more fear in your life.


Ready to take it a step further?  Do the Ascension Course.




+3 #61 Landon Griswold 2012-05-10 20:11
This is a gift beyond words! How can one Possibly thankyou for the key to Profound freedom from fear?! I just did this Excercise over & over & felt a massive diminishment & Release from the fear that was standing on my chest! I Can finally breathe Easy. Thankyou & I Love You.

+2 #60 Clara Daniel 2012-05-06 07:45
This meditation appears for me right at the time when I am focused specifically on releasing fear in my life, fear of betrayal, fear of abandonment, fear of departing from the status quo to stand up for what is right for the earth in the face of those who would destroy it for profit. I watched a film called "Fierce Spirit," which taught me what "spirit in action" looks like. I have not taken the course but will definitely. Yesterday, I received the message that we are not just here to learn about love, but to learn what love is not so that we can fully experience and know love, which is the ultimate portal to ascension. Simple yes, but I really finally understand it. Thank you for this course.

+3 #59 Kim Brand 2012-04-18 06:55
I saw the link for this exercise and I had to smile. Minus the tornado in the background (photoshop) , this is a picture of my home in Sudbury, Ontario, taken on Lake Ramsey, on the docks by Science North. And sitting on the dock is a colleague of mind. Thanks Inelia for making me smile and giving me a moment to think of Northern Ontario and the magic of this place. That alone of itself fill my heart with so much happiness that stillness washed through me within. Thanks.

+1 #58 Jennifer Hautman 2012-03-13 08:31
Charles Eisenstein on Fear:

+2 #57 Marilynn 2012-03-10 14:57
Inelia, I have tried to process my fears but there are more that keep coming up. It is like an underground spring that continues to flow and my life keeps getting worse. I don't know what I am doing wrong. I thought of myself as a lightworker but I feel lost in the dark. It's like the dark is trying to consume me and I sometimes wish I could just go back home and be with God. Is there anything you can think of to help me? Thank you very much :sad:

+3 #56 Guest 2012-02-08 11:20
Ordered and just completed Processing Fear. Incredible! Quick, easy (relatively) and powerful.
This is something I will use EVERY day. Thank you , Inelia & Bless you!

0 #55 Ascension 101 Staff 2012-02-05 16:25
Quoting Kristina:
Dear Inelia and everybody here. I would like to ask, I am processing and processing and then some more.)) And it sometimes almost seems like it is endless or that it almost can't be all mine. Other then that deeply inside I feel very calm, strong and happy. But when processing there comes some thoughts or sentences or how to call it saying I will never make it. I have no idea what inside it says. I am not sure that it is me. When I asked what it is that I am not going to make there was silence. Since there is nobody around me who has experience with processing or working like this, I would like to ask you Inelia and people here if they have some similar experiences. I come here quite often, because it is nice support to see there is more people like me. So I greet you all. It is very nice to meet you all. Thank you.

Hello Kristina,
This sounds like your firewall to ascension to me. Read:

Kind regards,



0 #54 Guest 2012-02-05 11:51
Hi all!
I've been having a really hard time last one or two months and i guess I'm recovering now... I noticed that my all fears come up in the late afternoon before the dark... almost every evening.My own sutiation is over now. I ended it,I want to move on. So I'm asking you,when do you get scared? Is it just my fears from the childhood or it gets strange in the night ? Does it have something with the night?

+1 #53 Guest 2012-02-05 07:56
my fears come as a trembling in my body

i dont know how to increase the shaking

or i am afraid of it too much to increase it


+1 #52 Guest 2012-02-02 13:34
Dear Inelia and everybody here. I would like to ask, I am processing and processing and then some more.)) And it sometimes almost seems like it is endless or that it almost can't be all mine. Other then that deeply inside I feel very calm, strong and happy. But when processing there comes some thoughts or sentences or how to call it saying I will never make it. I have no idea what inside it says. I am not sure that it is me. When I asked what it is that I am not going to make there was silence. Since there is nobody around me who has experience with processing or working like this, I would like to ask you Inelia and people here if they have some similar experiences. I come here quite often, because it is nice support to see there is more people like me. So I greet you all. It is very nice to meet you all. Thank you.


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