Sunday, March 20, 2016

yeah more political stuff...this shit actually matters. We are at a turning point in history to become more humane human beings in this country and that is a big deal! SO PLEASE, DEAR FRIENDS, JOIN THE REVOLUTION. Because the time is NOW! It is ON! This is real. This is an epic battle between good and evil, right and wrong, greed and humanity, the destruction of our planet, life and death. Seriously we need to ALL step UP! This is either the end of this current system of greed and corruption or shit is gonna get even uglier. Do we want that orange buffoon running things? I sure as hell do NOT! Bernie Sanders​ really is here just in time. The leader we need to unite us, not divide us, progressive not regressive. The People For Bernie Sanders 2016​ are marching for a better world. Every phone call every post it all matters. Every conversation we can get, every heart turned to the ideas and ethics of U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders​ is where humanity needs to go. We are leaders of the free world? Then we need to grow up and get on the democratic socialism bandwagon.

Bernie Sanders Responds To Chelsea Clinton

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