Wednesday, November 25, 2009

"I'm stuck"

Sometimes we hear you say "I'm stuck" and we say "No you're not
stuck, because you cannot stand still. You cannot stop emitting a vibration so it is not possible you are stuck. Instead what is happening is that you are creating the same thing over and over again. It's changing but it's changing to the same thing. CAN YOU HEAR THAT?

That's good. "I'm never stuck, I'm just changing to the same thing over and over again. And when you put it into that format then you realize well I can change into the same thing by looking in the mirror, by writing the email, by joining the group. I can continue to offer the vibration of what is,


I can offer a different vibration. But in any case whatever I offer I am going to change to that.

So what happens is you see patterns in your life. Different places, different faces, but the same thing again and again, because when you offer the majority of your vibration in response to what is, then the majority of what is changes to the same thing as what is

Extract from Abraham-Hicks workshop 10/1/03 Syracuse NY

Posted via web from Andrea Starbird

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